Team CSA

Camp Quality 1000ks 4 kids CSA

Nathan Cameron

My driving force for doing the 1000K’s 4 Kids, is as the name suggests, the kids of Camp Quality. I have seen firsthand through my involvement with Camp Quality the great work that this organisation does. The joy and excitement the kids get from Camp Quality is something that needs to be seen to be believed.

This is my way of raising some awareness and funds for such a worthwhile cause and to help bring some enjoyment to the kids and their families affected by cancer.

Luke Ekert

I am a 23 year old Carpenter from Osterley.
After doing the Ride last year and having the awesome experience that is Camp Quality, I had to sign up again.
Bring on 2013 !!

Richard Worgan

After making the bold decision to participate in this year’s 1000K’s 4 Kids, I am bursting at the seams with excitement. From the numerous stories that come from such a great event from friends, I just had to be part of it! With the great work that Camp Quality do for children who go through the hard times of cancer and the impact it has on their families, I am looking forward to raising awareness of the incredible work that the Camp Quality team do to help those in need as they say… “Laughter is the best medicine!”

Brendan Ellis

I retain a strong desire to be significantly involved in something amazing and life changing for children in need. I feel that Camp Quality’s journey in positively impacting children suffering with cancer, and their families, is worthy of the utmost honour, respect and admiration.

Anthony Fleming

I have always thought of doing something to fundraise for a good cause, due to seeing the great work that family friends have done and continue to do raising funds to assist families in times of need. I was speaking to Ali Kimmorley before she took on the ride in 2012 and decided that that was it, that was what I would love to do to do my small bit to help out. I had also previously raised a small amount of funds for Camp Quality through sponsorships while training and completing the Australian Ironman Triathlon in Port Macquarie in 2010, and I would like to start to do so again and continue this.

Camp Quality does such great work and puts smiles on the faces of kids and this is a small way that I can assist Camp Quality to continue the great work that they do.